Monday 17 November 2014

人生第一次淘宝 嘻嘻


淘宝、阿里巴巴、天猫 大概是今年还蛮红的网购字眼吧!

阿里巴巴双11 交易额突破350亿,跨国217个国家!

好吧,我想说的只是。。。那350亿,我。。。 应该有一点贡献。。。


“上天猫就购了”这句广告台词深深植入我的脑海里 (爸爸去哪儿2的广告marketing太强了)

就最近想换NOTE4 就去看了NOTE4 cases。。。
话说我上次也差点买了NOTE3 的手机壳。。。


其实淘宝真的很容易,不像以往需要找人代购,Malaysia E-banking 就可以付款了!


Receive my First Dividend Payment! 收到我的第一个股息!

Yeah! I got the dividend payment for PLENITU! My first dividend payment!

Plenitu declared 6 cents dividend per unit on 3/10/2014, the ex-date was 04/11/2014 and the payment date was on 14/11/2014, last Friday!

Plenitu is the first share that I bought as the first step investing in stock market.
Did read some articles online and do some study on the company's background before investing in it.

Its NTA is above RM3.50, as long as the price is still below NTA , I will still invest in it.

Feeling satisfied for receiving my first dividend payment, more to learn and hopefully many more to come! :D

决定投资了这支NTA>RM3.50 的股票。

买的时候刚好这间公司买了GURNEY HOTEL哦~


*第一次收到股息,使蛮开心和满足滴~ :)

Monday 6 October 2014

A Simple Gathering of Friends

It has been a while. 
I just love seeing them and catch up with them with all kind of stuffs.
Secondary schoolmates are still the best :)

Hope to see others soon at TESKAG 4.0!

"Friendship is not about beauty or popularity because it is about someone who likes your personality."